Assisting businesses in retaining their female employees by offering personalised expert support during their parental leave and return to work transition.

RTWell Corporate Program

Chapter 1

Leave & Postnatal Planning

We guide women through the intricacies of planning their departure from work, preparing mentally and physically for life after child birth to navigate the postnatal period with confidence.

Chapter 2

Postnatal Care & Matrescence

We ensure continuity of care for your employees navigating the profound physical, psychological and emotional transformations a woman undergoes after giving birth through guided sessions.

Chapter 3

Self-care & Personal Development

Through tailored consults, we empower mothers with the confidence and support needed to focus on self-care and personal growth by redefining their goals and embrace newfound strengths.

Chapter 4

Transition Back To Work

Our experts will support with return to work planning and balancing responsibilities from home and work to ultimately ease employees back into the workforce and ensure their successful return to work.

Our vision is to become the bridge between going on parental leave and returning to work to improve employees’ engagement and participation in the workforce during this challenging and transformative stage of their career.

Did You Know?

x 1.5

It can cost up to 1.5 times a woman's salary to replace her if she does not return from parental leave.


Less than a third (29%) of women work full-time after having children (0 to 4yo). ​


of women feel stressed balancing work and family commitments.

Our mission is to help the 74% of women who feel overwhelmed by the juggle between work and family, we ensure they feel valued, supported, and can thrive at home and work.

1:1 Expert Tailored Services

Why we do things differently.

We encourage self-growth and self-discovery during parental leave, where women can nurture their newfound strengths, rediscover talents and transition back to work fully prepared and engaged.

We based our program on understanding and interpreting the changes that happen to a woman after childbirth and providing knowledge and resources to confidently navigate the identity shift that comes with Matrescence (the transformation from woman to mother) and plan her return to work.

  • Personalised guidance and support to women before and after parental leave as they navigate career changes, make career plans, and return to the workforce with confidence. Our experts provide strategies for achieving work-life balance, exploring flexible work options, managing career transitions, and developing skills to thrive professionally while prioritising personal and family needs.

  • Expert guidance, education, and support to mothers regarding breastfeeding, lactation and return to work. From planning, discussing options and setting goals pre-birth to assisting with latch, positioning, troubleshooting breastfeeding problems post-birth, we promote successful breastfeeding relationships between mothers and babies and support mothers when transitioning back to work adapting feeding method.

  • Specialised guidance and support to parents seeking to establish healthy sleep habits and routines for their babies. Our experts provide advice, strategies, and resources to address sleep challenges and promote optimal sleep patterns for infants, fostering better rest for both babies and parents.

  • Personalised support to women navigating the physical, mental, emotional, and social transitions of becoming mothers. Our experts offer education, encouragement, and resources to help women embrace the profound changes of matrescence, fostering self-awareness, confidence, and well-being during the postnatal period and beyond. They offer guidance and support to women before and after maternity leave as they make career plans and prepare to return to the workforce with confidence. They provide strategies for achieving balance, exploring flexible work options and developing skills to thrive professionally while attending to their personal and family needs.

  • Practical and emotional support to mothers and families during the postpartum period. Our experts assist with newborn care, new mother care and emotional reassurance, empowering mothers to recover from childbirth and navigate the challenges of early parenthood with confidence and ease.

  • Counselling and Psychotherapy supports and allows for individuals to be heard and feelings to be validated. It assists people to live fully, to discover potential, to face fears and to be adventurous. Our experts will help face couples’ challenges, relationships difficulties with friends or other individuals, and better deal with life transitions such as child birth, parental leave and return to work.

  • Support to women navigating the first months of their child's life with early childhood education, including the transition to childcare. Our experts offer education, tips, and resources on developmental support, helping mothers understand and promote their child's growth and well-being during this critical period of development.

  • Strategies to support women in improving their financial confidence to manage money and build wealth in life. Through a personalised financial session and online courses, we help women navigate the financial implications of parental leave, plan for their return to work and build long-term wealth and security for themselves and their families.

Meet the Experts

  • Elise Clement

    Psychotherapist and Matrescence Coach

    Elise weaves together psychotherapy and Matrescence coaching to support women in feeling empowered while they navigate the competing demands of work and mothering. The radical transformation that occurs when a woman becomes a mother paves the way for new values, strengths, and needs that have the potential to completely redefine a woman’s identity.

  • Natasha Allen-Hallyburton

    Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and Early Childhood Educator

    Natasha is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and Early Childhood Educator who has supported hundreds of families since 2003. She has a sound understanding of a child growth, behaviour, and development (physical, cognitive, social, and emotional) and helps families learn to interpret, understand and respond to your baby’s cues and toddler’s physical and emotional development.

  • Annie Littlehales

    Sleep Consultant

    Annie is a Certified Holistic Sleep Coach (OCN Level 6) through the Holistic Sleep Coaching Program founded by Lyndsey Hookway in the UK. Through evidence-based knowledge, expertise in understanding sleep's interconnected factors and a passion for supporting parents, Annie helps gain clarity, confidence and calm by understanding and supporting sleep without sleep training.

  • Ysaline Godet

    Postnatal Doula

    Ysaline is a passionate doula and holistic life coach. She seamlessly integrates her passion for motherhood with a unique methodology by utilizing life coaching techniques, doula practice and the transformative power of rebozos. She is committed to empower mothers by building their confidence and nurturing a sense of belonging. Her mission is to ensure that every mother feels heard, understood and valued.

  • Natalie Spencer

    Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)

    Natalie is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), a graduate diploma of midwifery and is a mother of two boys. Natalie is passionate about helping families feel empowered through evidence-based education, to make the most appropriate decisions for themselves when it comes to feeding their babies.

  • Julia Scott

    Wealth Management Specialist

    Julia is a Chartered Accountant, Tax Advisor, Wealth Management Specialist and is also certified in Money Mindset and Feng Shui. Her passion for financial empowerment led her to address the gap in the market for female financial education and advice. Julia helps clear money blocks, set up money management systems, and become super confident building exceptional wealth in all aspects of life.


Personalised Care Plan

During the onboarding process, the RTWell program manager will do a wellbeing assessment of your employee and create the RTWellbeing personalised plan (postnatal care and return to work plan).

How It Works


Parental Leave Bridge

The program manager will customise each chapter based on the unique needs of your employee, manage the 1:1 consultations and measure progress of your employee’s wellbeing and engagement during parental leave.


Successful RTW

Through continuing wellbeing assessment, planning and progress tracking, we will ensure your employee is emotionally ready to resume her career and has found a new balance between home and work responsibilities.

Structured, Yet Customisable

Every employee will be paired with a dedicated program manager responsible for orchestrating their onboarding, introduction, regular check-ins, and assessment consultations at every stage of the program.

We offer “continuity of care” post-birth and we know how unique every pregnancy, birth, mother or baby is, so our program is also 100% unique, tailored to each person.

In Person And Remote Options

We have experts in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. Can’t make it in person? Our experts are equipped to deliver your consultations via video call so you can comfortably partake from the comfort of your home.


Invest In Your Team


    4 x Support Sessions Per Chapter

    This plan includes 3 support sessions from wellbeing experts and 1 consultation with a RTWell program manager to plan the chapter. Our experts support your employees through a mix of 1:1 consultations and access to online modules for on-demand support.


    7 x Support Sessions Per Chapter

    This plan includes 5 support sessions from wellbeing experts and 2 consultations with a RTWell program manager to plan the chapter and assess progress. Our experts support your employees through a mix of 1:1 consultations and access to online modules for on-demand support.


    10 x Support Sessions Per Chapter

    This plan includes 8 support sessions from wellbeing experts and 2 consultations with a RTWell program manager to plan the chapter and assess progress. Our experts support your employees through a mix of 1:1 consultations and access to online modules for on-demand support.

Matrescence & Wellbeing At Work

Elise Clement, Matrescence Coach for RTWell

“Matrescence is the holistic understanding of what a woman goes through as she transitions into and through motherhood. The research into the changes a woman experiences after becoming a mother shows us there are far more psychological and emotional changes than we previously understood or supported her with. Changes that are not recognised by her workplace when she returns to work. In other words "she has changed" and when she returns to the workforce this needs to be acknowledged for her to feel engaged, motivated and to support her desire to contribute to the organisation's success.”


  • “Thank you for all the insightful sessions on nourishing and restoring my body postpartum. Lots of practical information to take forward and better understand why the body gets out of balance at such a time.”

    Mathilde N.

  • "The session was really helpful. She answered my question in a reassuring and practical way. She also busted all those expectations of what should be occuring at certain stages, and also that each baby is so different and has different sleep needs."

    Amanda R.

  • "Natasha was so lovely and patient and gracious and informative!! It was a jam packed session but sooo very worthwhile and hubby and I learned so much. Thank you!!!"

    Helena B.

  • "My partner and I really appreciated this informative class. Good quality, accessible information and the right amount of it. Not too much too take on board when navigating antenatal education can seem overwhelming! Thank you :)"

    Katie L.